Helping you reach higher

and achieve more

Our Classes

A Variety of classes with specific goals

Crossfit Retford forging elite fitness sign  and assualt bike


CrossFit is a fitness training program that involves a mix of constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. It combines elements from various sports and exercise disciplines, such as weightlifting, cardio, gymnastics, and more, aiming to improve overall fitness, strength, endurance, and flexibility. Workouts often emphasise functional movements and are designed to challenge individuals of all fitness levels.

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Engine Room

In this class, the primary focus is on building your cardiovascular endurance. You'll engage in sustained periods of effort with low to moderate weights. You can expect running, rowing, cycling and more. The workouts are designed to push your limits and improve your aerobic capacity, helping you develop a strong cardiovascular engine.

Crossfit Retord Man Weightlifting overhead

OLYMPIC Weightlifting

Perfect your technique and build strength, speed, power, and coordination with this specialised class. We prioritise technical barbell movements like the clean and jerk or snatch. The pace is slower to allow for focused skill development. This class is suitable for all abilities, and you'll see progress in your strength and lifting abilities over time.

Crossfit Retford Gym Competition burpee


Our Teens class offers all the benefits of our adult CrossFit classes in a fun and accessible format. Designed specifically for teenagers, this class incorporates games, competition, and a focus on the fundamentals of CrossFit. Teenagers will develop their strength, endurance, coordination, and overall fitness while enjoying a supportive and engaging atmosphere.

CrossFit Retford Gym competition hanging from bar

CROSSFIT Gymnastics

Discover the power of bodyweight movements in our gymnastics class. Starting with the fundamentals such as pull-ups, you'll gradually progress to more complex movements. This class is accessible to all fitness levels, allowing you to become a master of your own body. Improve your flexibility, strength, and body control in a supportive environment.

Crossfit Retford Gym competition Group photo

Team WOD

Get ready for an exciting and unpredictable Crossfit workout experience in our Team Combine class.  What sets this class apart is the team aspect, where you'll work together with your fellow gym members in various formats. This class fosters teamwork, camaraderie, and a sense of achievement as you push through the workout together. Get ready to expect the unexpected and experience the thrill of tackling new challenges as a team.

Book a session and start your FREE 3 day trial today!

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Our TimeTable

40 Coached Sessions available weekly


Frequently Asked

What is CrossFit and how is it different from other types of fitness training?

CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that combines elements of strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, and functional movements. It focuses on constantly varied workouts performed at high intensity to improve overall fitness and performance. What sets CrossFit apart is its emphasis on functional movements that mimic real-life activities, making it highly applicable to everyday life and sports performance.

Is CrossFit suitable for beginners or do I need prior experience?

CrossFit is suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, including beginners. The workouts are scalable and can be modified to match your current fitness abilities. CrossFit coaches are trained to tailor the workouts to your individual needs, gradually increasing intensity and complexity as you progress. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or new to fitness, CrossFit can be adjusted to challenge you appropriately and help you achieve your goals.

What should I expect during a typical CrossFit class or workout?

In a typical CrossFit class or workout, you can expect a dynamic and inclusive environment. The class usually starts with a warm-up to prepare your body for the workout ahead. The main workout, known as the Workout of the Day (WOD), involves a combination of functional movements such as weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio exercises. The workouts are often timed or scored to track your progress and provide a sense of friendly competition. Throughout the class, you'll receive guidance and coaching from certified CrossFit trainers who ensure proper technique and safety. The class ends with a cool-down and stretching session to aid in recovery. Each day's workout can vary, keeping the experience exciting and challenging.

Are the workouts scalable to accommodate different fitness levels and abilities?

Yes, CrossFit workouts are designed to be scalable, meaning they can be modified to suit individuals of varying fitness levels and abilities. Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced athlete, the workouts can be adjusted to match your current capabilities. CrossFit coaches are experienced in adapting the workouts by modifying the weights, repetitions, or intensity to ensure you're appropriately challenged and can progress at your own pace.

Can I try a class or visit the gym before committing to a membership?

Absolutely! Here at CrossFit Retford, we offer a free 3-day trial, which means you can visit and experience a class before committing to a membership. It's a great opportunity to get a feel for the gym's atmosphere, meet our coaches, get to know other members and see if the training style aligns with your goals and preferences.

Can I cancel my membership?

We will always be sad to see members leave and will try hard to resolve or support you with any difficulties you may be having. We do however understand that sometimes things like work or relocating may make it impractical to get to the gym. In the event you do want to cancel your membership 28 days’ notice is required.

How do I book classes and track my progress?

When you become a member you will sign up to our app which gives you access to reserve a space in our classes. When you have attended a class and signed in you will be able to log your results in the app this will help you track your performance.

COntact Us

Get in touch with our team

Taking the first step can be leave us your details and any questions you may have. We will get in touch with you to discuss how we can get you started!

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